Avoid Passive Voice | Angela Harms, Editor

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Effective April 1, 2006

Collection of Personally Identifiable Information

I am committed to ensuring your privacy and security when you visit this site. Because of that, Angela Harms, Editor does not collect any personally identifiable information (PII) from visitors to the site. However, third-party vendors who are linked from angelaharms.com may collect PII.

Third-Party Vendors

I choose third-party vendors who I believe are trustworthy. If you choose to visit these sites, you should read their privacy policies. Here are the links to help:

Please note that I do not receive commission for purchase you make from the above links. I do receive commission if you purchase from links on the other pages.

Your Email Address

If you email me, I will have your email address. I will only use it to correspond with you. I do not send spam, or mass emails. Someday I may start an email newsletter, but you will only get it if you sign up for it specifically.

Information That Does Not Personally Identify You

When you visit this site, the computers may automatically collect statistics about your visit. This information does not identify you personally, but rather tells me about your visit. I may monitor statistics such as how many people visit, the user’s IP address, which pages people visit on my site, from which domains visitors reach my site, and which browsers people use. I use these statistics about your visit for aggregate purposes only. These statistics are used to help me improve the performance of the Web site.

Contact Me

If you have questions or concerns about this policy, please contact me: Angela Harms