Archives for September, 2010
Yesterday I wrote a post about why I don’t have a job or a freelance thingie anymore. Since I want collaborators, mentors and co-explorers, I thought I’d mention what I am doing this season. Agile Studies I am learning everything I can about Agile. I can’t get enough of it. Specifically, this means learning about… […]
Last night at a meeting, somebody asked me why I don’t make money. There are a lot of reasons, but lately the reason I don’t make money is this: I am a full-time student. Not at a university (though Ohio State says they’ll hand over my Philosophy degree if I take three non-Philosophy classes so […]
Yesterday I read (but didn’t much enjoy) a post about Agile suckage. And it got me thinking about why Agile is a good idea for business. I’ve been thinking about this because I couldn’t give a rats ass about profit [*ok, I confess that’s not quite true—but not for profit’s sake]. That statement might come […]
I just figured something out. And wow. So Radical Love Project isn’t filling my time or my life, lately. Well, it kind of is, in that I haven’t stopped with the crazy pursuit of love. But since we moved to Columbus, that path is fuzzy. It’s taking a long time to feel like we have […]
My friends who are not programmers or IT people ask me what’s up, what’s exciting in my mind & my life, and I don’t know what to say! “You wouldn’t understand” isn’t very appealing… so here is my attempt to explain why I’m madly, deeply, head-over-heels in love with a “software development methodology”. So you […]
I mention “NVC” sometimes. Along with Zen and a few other things, it has informed my daily practice, and feels like a big part of who I am. Sometimes I hear curiosity about what it is, so I thought I’d try to talk about it a little. I can describe what it is pretty quickly, […]
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