
Speaker Bio

Angela Harms is an agile developer, coach, facilitator, and instigator. She loves beautiful code that emerges from collaboration, and learning new ways to make it work. When she’s not pairing on test-driven code, you can find her at conferences speaking about what she’s learned (so far), facilitating kick-ass retrospectives, or discussing the intersection of software and love.

Podcasts & Interviews

  • Functional Geekery, March 2014. Discussed avi, a lively vi (a reincarnation of vim).
  • This Agile Life, March 2014. This is a fun chat about agile in general, with some talk about pairing and mob coding.
  • Engine Yard Cloud Out Loud Podcast, November 2012. Michael Brodhead kept surprising me with his very direct & perceptive questions. Topics included agile and pairing, of course, and also learning, loving honesty, and meditation.
  • Ruby Rogues, April 2012. This was a conversation about agile software development. We found ourselves discussing collaboration, judgment, nonviolent communication, vulnerability and presence.
  • Family Matters Radio, August 2010. We talked about unschooling, family life, non-coercive parenting.


Here are a few examples of talks I presented in 2013.


I speak on the following topics

  • geek joy
  • refactoring
  • technical learning
  • programming
  • working together as a team
  • nonviolent communication, compassion, personal development
  • coaching

Find me online

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