this is an experiment in grace

Sometimes people get the idea that we’re Christian. It makes sense, since the original version of this page said:
…to carry the love of God, our neighbors and ourselves into every moment, in the way of Jesus.

We’ll let you decide whether to call us Christian. We’re inspired by Jesus, and also by the Buddha, and also by each other, and many teachers who walk this world with us.

What we hope for is to love with a radical, scandalous dedication that sometimes looks a little weird. In every single moment, we are called to honesty, compassion, and awareness.

Of course, that doesn’t mean we accomplish it. What it means is that, with a combination of meditation, prayer, and kindness, we try to support one another in the attempt.

Radical Love Project

Telling the Truth

I want to talk about telling the truth. About the nagging feeling of really needing to speak what’s on your mind, or tell somebody off. I want to talk about whether truth is always a good idea. truth/beauty/love I take the idea that God is love very seriously. I have this idea that we have […]

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Judgment and Discernment

Jesus advises us to avoid judging. Signing on to the judging way of life is not going to go in your favor, he tells us. In the opening to Matthew 7, The Message translates it like this: Don’t pick on people, jump on their failures, criticize their faults— unless, of course, you want the same […]

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Who do we love? (Poster!)

Soon to be a poster and t-shirt! P.S. Here’s where you can buy the shirt!

Get a first look at the new poster & t-shirt that explains who is and is not included in grace. »

our stories

being in the right place – So that stuff, loving geeks in the world, matters. I stand by that. But there are some geeks who weren’t there yesterday who I’m particularly fond of, and who I missed.

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ideas about god and love

Telling the Truth – I want to talk about telling the truth. About the nagging feeling of really needing to speak what’s on your mind, or tell somebody off. I want to talk about whether truth is always a good idea. truth/beauty/love I take the idea that God is love very seriously. I have this idea that we have […]

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